All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
31 days
Latest Release
972 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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v3.7.0 Changes
August 11, 2017- âž• add "Arrayy::createFromObjectVars()"
- 🛠fix internal __toString() / Arrayy->implode()
- 🛠fix in_array() usage for multidimensional array
v3.6.0 Changes
May 09, 2017- âž• add flag-parameter for "Arrayy->filter()" + polyfill for old php versions (< 5.6 || HHVM)
- âž• add "Arrayy->countValues()"-method
v3.5.1 Changes
April 11, 2017- 🛠fix "offsetGet() must be compatible with that of ArrayAccess::offsetGet()"
v3.5.0 Changes
April 10, 2017- more information via "InvalidArgumentException"
- re-use the "Arrayy->customSortKeys()"-method
- âž• add more "sort"-methods + tests
v3.4.0 Changes
April 09, 2017- overwrite "ArrayObject"-methods
- dependency injection for the "Iterator" via __constructor
- 🛠fix serialize() + unserialize() -> we will process the object now, not only the array in the object
- âž• add more tests
v3.3.0 Changes
April 08, 2017- âž• add "Arrayy->changeKeyCase()" (with UTF-8 support)
v3.2.1 Changes
April 07, 2017- 🛠fix "StaticArrayy"-class -> return value from "repeat()" is always an instance of the "Arrayy"-class
v3.2.0 Changes
April 01, 2017- 🛠fix php-doc (for extended classes)
- âž• add "Array->uniqueKeepIndex()"
- 🛠fix some more php-docs
v3.1.2 Changes
- 🛠fix "matches()" and "matchesAny()" with empty-arrays
v3.1.1 Changes
- fix usage of "isset() / array_key_exists()" and "array()$value / array($value)"