Atom v1.39.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-07-23 // almost 5 years ago
  • Notable Changes

    • 🍱 atom/fuzzy-finder#401 - Enable fuzzy finder's new fast mode by default 🚀
    • 🐎 atom/atom#19612 - Enhance performance of window resizing to provide speed and responsiveness comparable to native desktop applications 🏎
    • 🍱 atom/find-and-replace#1086 - Add config option to use ripgrep for scanning files for much faster searches in large projects 🐎
    • ⬆️ atom/atom#19419 - Upgrade to Electron 3.1.10
    • 💻 atom/find-and-replace#1085 - Handle multiline results on the find and replace UI
    • 👍 atom/find-and-replace#1088 - Support multiple selections when "Only In Selection" option is enabled
    • atom/tree-view#1257 - Copy files on drop if control is pressed
    • atom/language-python#303 - Tokenize *args and **kwargs the same as other parameters (tree-sitter)
    • atom/language-typescript#37 - Use new TSX-aware TreeSitter grammar All Changes Atom Core v1.38.2...v1.39.0 0️⃣ atom/atom#19244 - Default to @atom/notify for file system notifications 0️⃣ atom/atom#19244 - Default to @atom/notify for file system notifications 🚚 atom/atom#19189 - Remove apm's node-gyp dependency atom/atom#19318 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19321 - Always return a Disposable from the watch() method 👕 atom/atom#19302 - Use eslint + prettier for linting 📦 atom/atom#19324 - Integrate packager improvements from atom/atom#19325 - Exclude @atom/notify binary from the ASAR bundle atom/atom#19325 - Exclude @atom/notify binary from the ASAR bundle ⚡️ atom/atom#19329 - Update apm to fix permission issues 🚚 atom/atom#19322 - Remove cached-run-in-this-context dependency atom/atom#19331 - Fix @atom/notify subprocess path resolution when V8 startup snapshot is in effect atom/atom#19331 - Fix @atom/notify subprocess path resolution when V8 startup snapshot is in effect atom/atom#19335 - Add .atom-socket-secret-* to .atom's .gitignore atom/atom#19339 - Replace new Buffer() with Buffer.from() atom/atom#19336 - Allow escaped quote literals in the SyntaxScopeMap atom/atom#19345 - Disable @atom/notify on master for now atom/atom#19345 - Disable @atom/notify on master for now atom/atom#19344 - ⬆️ [email protected] 0️⃣ atom/atom#19347 - Decaffeinate and its spec atom/atom#19352 - Undo integration of @atom/notify atom/atom#19354 - Wait for config file to load before prompting to restart in config.onDidChange callback atom/atom#19357 - ⬆️ language-c atom/atom#19359 - 🚱 Fix leak of LanguageMode objects in tests atom/atom#18916 - ⬆️ Electron 3 (Take Two) atom/atom#18916 - ⬆️ Electron 3 (Take Two) atom/atom#18916 - ⬆️ Electron 3 (Take Two) ⚡️ atom/atom#19370 - Update apm to fix Linux installation issues 🗄 atom/atom#19371 - Fix deprecation warnings ⚡️ atom/atom#18116 - Add a simple server for testing Atom updates, enable Atom to use it via environment variable 🚀 atom/atom#19346 - Re-enable draft release automation for builds on release branches atom/atom#19382 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19348 - Add a directory searcher that uses ripgrep as the backend atom/atom#19392 - ⬆️ [email protected] ⚡️ atom/atom#19358 - Update .deb package dependencies atom/atom#19402 - ⬆️ [email protected] 🔒 atom/atom#19404 - Revert inadvertent changes to package-lock.json ⬆️ atom/atom#19405 - Upgrade atom-keymap to incorporate changes to keyboard-layout atom/atom#19403 - Fix handling of binary files when using ripgrep scanner atom/atom#19414 - ⬆️ [email protected] 🐧 atom/atom#19412 - Escalate privileges when writing into a restricted location on Linux 📦 atom/atom#19418 - Don't create a promise when preloading package settings in snapshot ⬆️ atom/atom#19419 - Upgrade to Electron 3.1.10 atom/atom#19420 - ⬆️ [email protected] 👕 atom/atom#19408 - Enable eslint rules that got disabled atom/atom#19391 - Enable prettier ⬆️ atom/atom#19397 - Upgrade webdriverio atom/atom#19423 - Display multi-keystroke key bindings in menu item's label 📦 atom/atom#16100 - Activate package when deserializing atom/atom#19437 - Cache node_modules on Azure Pipelines atom/atom#19438 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19448 - ⬆️ [email protected] 🍎 atom/atom#19446 - Parallelize macOS tests ✅ atom/atom#19455 - Don't listen for arguments from new processes in test or benchmarks atom/atom#19444 - Improvements to ripgrep scanner ⬆️ atom/atom#19453 - Upgrade text buffer ✅ atom/atom#19459 - Add delay to watch-path tests to make them less flaky ✅ atom/atom#19457 - Run each test suite with a pristine ATOM_HOME directory atom/atom#19466 - ⬆️ [email protected] atom/atom#19509 - ⬆️ [email protected] ✅ atom/atom#19523 - Increase timeout for atom-application.test.js on CI atom/atom#19533 - ⬆️ [email protected] ✅ atom/atom#19525 - Fix flaky test for Project.onDidChangeFiles() atom/atom#19528 - Assign originalFontSize when the Workspace is initialized 🐧 atom/atom#19578 - Use a different polkit policy name for each Atom channel on Linux ⚡️ atom/atom#19607 - Send OS version to the autoupdate endpoint atom/atom#19612 - Debounce the resize event handler atom/atom#19622 - ⬆️ [email protected] autocomplete-plus v2.42.0...v2.42.3 ✅ atom/autocomplete-plus#1048 - Make failing test asynchronous atom/autocomplete-plus#1049 - Convert Provider API specs to async atom/autocomplete-plus#1051 - Eliminate use of Jasmine 1.3 async helpers in favor of async/await find-and-replace v0.218.10...v0.218.12 💻 atom/find-and-replace#1085 - Handle multiline results on the find and replace UI atom/find-and-replace#1086 - Add config option to use ripgrep for scanning files atom/find-and-replace#1087 - ⬆️ [email protected] 👍 atom/find-and-replace#1088 - Support multiple selections when "Only In Selection" option is enabled fuzzy-finder v1.13.5...v1.14.0 atom/fuzzy-finder#397 - ⬆️ [email protected] ✅ atom/fuzzy-finder#398 - Avoid timeouts when listening on a socket in tests atom/fuzzy-finder#399 - Ignore VCS directories even when they are not in ignoreNames 🚚 atom/fuzzy-finder#400 - Remove uneeded assertion in test 🚚 atom/fuzzy-finder#401 - Make fast mode the default mode and remove prompt atom/fuzzy-finder#402 - ⬆️ @atom/[email protected] markdown-preview v0.160.0...v0.160.2 atom/markdown-preview#560 - Lazy load yaml frontmatter ✅ atom/markdown-preview#565 - Try to fix flaky test by using promises and async/await instead of Jasmine helpers tree-view v0.227.0...v0.228.0 atom/tree-view#1293 - Restrict drag-and-drop actions to events from the Tree View atom/tree-view#1257 - Copy files on drop if control is pressed language-c v0.60.16...v0.60.17 atom/language-c#328 - Scope anonymous " in a string as punctuation.definition.string language-objective-c v0.15.1...v0.16.0 ⚡️ atom/language-objective-c#12 - Update ⚡️ atom/language-objective-c#13 - Update CONTRIBUTING ⚡️ atom/language-objective-c#14 - Update issue and PR templates ⚡️ atom/language-objective-c#15 - 📝 Update issue and PR templates 🔧 atom/language-objective-c#18 - Add Probot no-response configuration 🔧 atom/language-objective-c#19 - 🤖 Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an issue language-python v0.53.1...v0.53.2 atom/language-python#303 - Tokenize *args and **kwargs the same as other parameters (tree-sitter) language-typescript v0.4.11...v0.5.0 atom/language-typescript#37 - Use new TSX-aware TreeSitter grammar