Changelog History
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v1.3.0 Changes
โก๏ธ [NEW] Query\Sqlite(Select|Insert|Update|Delete) classes to support SQLite-specific behaviors
โก๏ธ [NEW] Query\Pgsql(Select|Insert|Update|Delete) classes to support PostgreSQL-specific behaviors
๐จ [REF] Refactor existing limit/offset behaviors to Query\LimitTrait and Query\OffsetTrait
๐จ [REF] Refactor existing order-by behaviors to Query\OrderByTrait
๐จ [REF] Refactor query-string indenting and comma-separation behaviors to new methods
[ADD] Methods on each db-specific connection object to return db-specific query objects; e.g., Connection\Mysql::newMysqlSelect(), Connection\Pgsql::newPgsqlInsert(), etc.
๐ Many thanks to @MAXakaWIZARD for his work on the features in this release.
v1.2.0 Changes
[ADD] Profiler::getLastQuery() to get the last profiled query.
[CHG] AbstractConnection::fetchAll(), fetchAssoc(), fetchCol(), and fetchPairs() all now take a third param: a callable to apply to each row in the results.
โ [ADD] AbstractConnection::disconnect(), mostly to help with testing.
๐ [NEW] Query\Mysql classes to support MySQL-specific functionality:
- [NEW] Query\Mysql\Select with SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and other mysql-specific flags.
- [NEW] Query\Mysql\Insert with IGNORE and other mysql-specific flags.
- [NEW] Query\Mysql\Update with IGNORE and other mysql-specific flags, as well as LIMIT functionality.
- [NEW] Query\Mysql\Delete with LOW_PRIORITY and other mysql-specific flags, as well as LIMIT functionality.
โก๏ธ [LIC] Update license copyright dates.
๐ [TST] Add PHP 5.5 to Travis build.
โก๏ธ [DOC] Update README.
v1.1.0 Changes
[ADD] AbstractConnection::setPdo() to inject a pre-existing PDO connection. Thanks, Stan Lemon, for the feature request.
[ADD] Add missing properties AbstractConnection::$profiler and AbstractConnection::$query_factory.
๐ [CHG] Varios typo fixes by Pascal Borrelli and Henrique Moody.
[CHG] Gateway registry entries must be wrapped in a callable from now on.
[ADD] Method Column::__isset()
v1.0.0 Changes
๐ WARNING: This release has backwards compatiblity breaks.
๐ฆ [BRK] Rename "Adapter" to "Connection" throughout the package
๐ฆ [BRK] Rename "sql" to "connection" throughout the package
Other Changes
[ADD] Methods Query\AbstractQuery::setBind(), addBind(), and getBind() to allow bind data to be carried along with the query object.
[ADD] Method Query\AbstractQuery::getConnection() to get the injected database connection.
[NEW] Classes Gateway, GatewayIterator, and GatewayLocator (table data gateway implementation)
[NEW] Class AbstractMapper (mapper implementation)
[NEW] Class UnitOfWork (unit-of-work implemetation)