CraftCMS v3.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-04-04 // about 6 years ago
  • ➕ Added

    • 🐎 The codebase has been completely rewritten and refactored to improve performance, maintainability, and extensibility.
    • 📄 Craft can now be installed via Composer in addition to a zip file. (#895)
    • 🌐 Craft’s setup wizard is now available as a CLI tool in addition to the web-based one.
    • 🔌 Plugins are now loaded as Composer dependencies, and implemented as extensions of Yii modules.
    • ➕ Added multi-site support.
    • ➕ Added the Plugin Store, where plugins can be discovered, trialled, and purchased. (#808)
    • 🔌 Plugins can now be updated and removed from within the Control Panel.
    • 🔌 Asset sources are now called “volumes”, and plugins can supply their own volume types.
    • ➕ Added the Image Editor, which can be used to rotate, crop, and flip images, as well as set focal points on them.
    • ➕ Added asset previews, which can be triggered via a “Preview file” action on the Assets index, or with a Shift + Spacebar keyboard shortcut throughout the Control Panel.
    • Asset editor HUDs now show image previews. (#837)
    • ➕ Added the “Utilities” section to the Control Panel, replacing the Tools area of the Settings page.
    • ➕ Added the Debug Toolbar, powered by the Debug Extension for Yii 2.
    • ➕ Added support for Content Migrations.
    • ➕ Added support for PostgreSQL.

    🔄 Changed

    • 📱 The Control Panel has been redesigned for better usability, readability and responsiveness.
    • 💻 Renamed all “URL Format” things to “URI Format”, in the Control Panel UI and in the code.
    • ➕ Added the “Propagate entries across all enabled sites?” section setting. If disabled, entries will only be associated with the site they were created on. (#2330)
    • Structure sections and category groups no longer have Nested URL Format settings. (It’s still possible to achieve the same result with a single URI Format setting.)
    • ⚡️ When an entry type is updated, Craft now re-saves all entries of that type.
    • When a category is deleted, its nested categories are no longer deleted with it.
    • Craft no longer re-saves all localizable elements after a new site is created; entries and Matrix blocks are skipped, and plugins that supply custom element types must now re-save their elements manually as well.
    • The “New entry” and “New category” buttons on Entries and Categories index pages now load the Edit page for the currently-selected site. (#2236)
    • Elements now validate that custom field values will fit within their database columns, for fields with textual or numeric column types.
    • 🍱 User photos are now assets. (#933)
    • 🍱 Assets now have a “Link” table attribute option.
    • 🌐 Volumes’ “Base URL” settings can now begin with @web, which is an alias for the root URL that Craft is running from.
    • Local volumes’ “File System Path” settings can now begin with @webroot, which is an alias for the path to the directory that index.php lives in.
    • Global Sets’ field layouts can now have custom tabs.
    • Color inputs can now be left blank.
    • Color values within Table fields are now represented by craft\fields\data\ColorData objects.
    • Element titles now get a validation error if they contain any 4+ byte characters (like emoji), on servers running MySQL. (#2513)
    • 0️⃣ Lightswitch fields that don’t have a value yet will now be assigned the default field value, even for existing elements. (#2404)
    • The system installer now sets the initial admin account’s preferred language to the site language selected in the installation wizard. (#2480)
    • Table fields now have “Min Rows”, “Max Rows”, and “Add Row Label” settings. (#2372)
    • Table fields now have “Date”, “Time”, “Lightswitch”, and “Color” column type options.
    • Color fields now return a craft\fields\data\ColorData object, with hex, rgb, red, green, blue, r, g, b, and luma properties.
    • Matrix fields now have “Manage blocks on a per-site basis”, “Min Blocks”, and “Max Blocks” settings.
    • 💻 Matrix fields with only one block type, and equal values for the Min Blocks and Max Blocks settings, now hide the UI for adding and deleting blocks.
    • Matrix fields with only one block type will now auto-create the minimum number of blocks required by the field, per the Min Blocks setting, for new elements. (#850)
    • ⚡️ The migrate/up console command will now update the appropriate schema version in the database after successfully completing all migrations. (#1907)
    • 👉 Users can now set their preferred language to any supported application language. (#847)
    • 👉 Users are no longer logged out when verifying a new email address on their own account. (#1421)
    • 🌲 Users no longer get an exception or error message if they click on an invalid/expired email verification link and are already logged in. Instead they’ll be redirected to wherever they would normally be taken immediately after logging in. (#1422)
    • If anything prevents a user from being deleted, any changes that were made in preparation for deleting the user are now rolled back.
    • ➕ Added webp as a web-safe image format.
    • Craft now checks if the current installation can manipulate an image instead of checking against a predefined list. (#1648, #1545)
    • 🗄 The getCsrfInput() global function has been renamed to csrfInput(). (getCsrfInput() still works but produces a deprecation error.)
    • The {% cache %} tag no longer includes the query string when storing the cache URL.
    • ➕ Added the |timestamp Twig filter, for formatting a date as a user-friendly timestamp.
    • ➕ Added the |datetime Twig filter, for formatting a date with a localized date+time format.
    • ➕ Added the |time Twig filter, for formatting a date with a localized time format.
    • ➕ Added the |multisort Twig filter, which duplicates an array and sorts it with craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::multisort().
    • ➕ Added the |atom and |rss Twig filters, for formatting dates in Atom and RSS date formats, respectively.
    • ➕ Added the |column Twig filter, for capturing the key/property values of a series of arrays/objects.
    • ➕ Added the |index Twig filter, for indexing an array of arrays/objects by one of their keys/values.
    • ➕ Added the |filterByValue Twig filter.
    • ➕ Added the |duration Twig filter, which converts a DateInterval object into a human-readable duration.
    • 0️⃣ The t filter now always defaults to translating the given string using the site category unless it is otherwise specified (e.g. myString|t('pluginhandle')).
    • The |date filter can be passed 'short', 'medium', 'long', and 'full', which will format the date with a localized date format.
    • 📄 It is now possibly to customize the SQL of element queries, and there are more choices on how the data should be returned.
    • 0️⃣ Element queries are no longer limited to 100 results by default.
    • The “Failed” message in the queue HUD in the Control Panel now shows the full error message as alt text. (#855)
    • ➕ Added the convertFilenamesToAscii config setting.
    • ➕ Added the preserveExifData config setting, false by default and requires Imagick. (#2034)
    • ➕ Added the aliases config setting, providing an easy way to define custom aliases.
    • ✂ Removed support for automatically determining the values for the omitScriptNameInUrls and usePathInfo config settings.
    • It’s now possible to override Craft’s application config via config/app.php.
    • It’s now possible to override volume settings via config/volumes.php.
    • 🔌 It’s now possible to override all plugins’ settings via config/<plugin-handle>.php.
    • 📇 Renamed the runTasksAutomatically config setting to runQueueAutomatically.
    • 🌐 The translationDebugOutput config setting will now wrap strings with @ characters if the category is app, $ if the category is site, and % for anything else.
    • 🌐 All user-defined strings in the Control Panel (e.g. section names) are now translated using the site category, to prevent translation conflicts with Craft’s own Control Panel translations.
    • Routes can now be stored on a per-site basis, rather than per-locale.
    • 🔊 Web requests are now logged to storage/logs/web.log.
    • 🔊 Web requests that result in 404 errors are now logged to storage/logs/web-404s.log.
    • 🔊 Console requests are now logged to storage/logs/console.log.
    • 🔊 Queue requests are now logged to storage/logs/queue.log.
    • Craft 3 now requires PHP 7.0.0 or later.
    • Craft 3 now requires MySQL 5.5+ or PostgreSQL 9.5+.
    • Craft now takes advantage of the PHP Intl extension when available.
    • 👍 Craft now uses Stringy for better string processing support.
    • 👍 Craft now uses Flysystem for better asset volume support.
    • 👍 Craft now uses Swiftmailer for better email sending support.
    • Craft now uses the Yii 2 Queue Extension for managing background tasks.
    • 👍 Craft now uses the Zend Feed library for better RSS and Atom processing support.
    • ⚡️ Updated Yii to
    • ⚡️ Updated Twig to 2.4.
    • ⚡️ Updated Guzzle to 6.3.

    🗄 Deprecated

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where a PHP session would be started on every template rendering request whether it was needed or not. (#1765)

    🔒 Security

    • Craft uses OpenSSL for encryption rather than mcrypt, which is far more secure and well-maintained.