Compare Bingo Functional and Symfony Security Monitoring's popularity and activity
Bingo Functional | Symfony Security Monitoring | |
65 | - | |
11 | - | |
8 | - | |
101 days | - | |
about 4 years ago | - | |
3 months ago | - | |
32 | - | |
PHP | - - - | |
Apache License 2.0 | - | |
Filter, Functional, Composition, Map, Collections, Helpers, Reduce, Zip, Composer Repositories, Functional Programming, Monads, Maybe, Fp, Immutability, Functor, Either, IO Monad, Reader Monad, Writer Monad, State Monad, Referential Transparency, Bingo, Applicative, Curry, Pattern Matching, Partial Application, Fold, Fantasy Land, Immutable Lists, Union Types, Functors, Applicatives, Unzip, Partial, Compose, Tuples, Higher-order Functions, Lens, Input-output, filterM, foldM, Lenses, Monad Laws, Applicative Laws, Persistent Data Structures, Pure Functions, Memoize, Transducers, Either Monad, Maybe Monad, Applicative Functor, Identity Functor, Over, Transduce | Security, Composer Repositories |
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