

Working in a big repository with multiple people, sometimes you might lose track of your required composer packages. You have so many packages you can't be sure if they are used or not.

composer-unused to the rescue.

Programming language: PHP
License: MIT License
Tags: Dependency Management     PHP7     Package     Composer     Plugin     Unused     Php-parser    
Latest version: v0.8.1

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A Composer tool to show unused Composer dependencies by scanning your code.

Created by Andreas Frömer and contributors, logo by Caneco.

⚠️ If you want to use this tool as composer-plugin head over to composer-unused-plugin.


When working in a big repository, you sometimes lose track of your required Composer packages. There may be so many packages you can't be sure if they are actually used or not.

Unfortunately, the composer why command only gives you the information about why a package is installed in dependency to another package.

How do we check whether the provided symbols of a package are used in our code?

composer unused to the rescue!



⚠️ This tool heavily depends on certain versions of its dependencies. A local installation of this tool is not recommended as it might not work as intended or can't be installed correctly. We do recommened you download the .phar archive or use PHIVE to install it locally.

PHAR (PHP Archive) (recommended)

Install via phive or grab the latest composer-unused.phar from the latest release:

phive install composer-unused
curl -OL https://github.com/composer-unused/composer-unused/releases/latest/download/composer-unused.phar


You can also install composer-unused as a local development dependency:

composer require --dev icanhazstring/composer-unused


Depending on the kind of your installation the command might differ.

Note: Packages must be installed via composer install or composer update prior to running composer-unused.


The phar archive can be run directly in you project:

php composer-unused.phar


Having composer-unused as a local dependency you can run it using the shipped binary:


Exclude folders and packages

Sometimes you don't want to scan a certain directory or ignore a Composer package while scanning. In these cases, you can provide the --excludeDir or the --excludePackage option. These options accept multiple values as shown next:

php composer-unused.phar --excludeDir=config --excludePackage=symfony/console
php composer-unused.phar \
    --excludeDir=bin \
    --excludeDir=config \
    --excludePackage=symfony/assets \

Make sure the package is named exactly as in your composer.json


You can configure composer-unused by placing a composer-unused.php beside the projects composer.json This configuration can look something like this: [composer-unused.php](composer-unused.php)

Ignore dependencies by name

To ignore dependencies by their name, add the following line to your configuration:


Ignore dependencies by pattern

To ignore dependencies by pattern, add the following line to your configuration


You can ignore multiple dependencies by a single organization using PatternFilter e.g. /symfony\/.*/

Additional files to be parsed

Per default, composer-unused is using the composer.json autoload directive to determine where to look for files to parse. Sometimes dependencies don't have their composer.json correctly set up, or files get loaded in another way. Using this, you can define additional files on a per-dependency basis.

$config->setAdditionalFilesFor('dependency/name', [<list-of-file-paths>]);


Please have a look at [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md).


Please have a look at [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md).

Code of Conduct

Please have a look at [CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).


This package is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the composer-unused README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.