Symfony DI v4.0.0 Release Notes

    • Relying on service auto-registration while autowiring is not supported anymore. Explicitly inject your dependencies or create services whose ids are their fully-qualified class name.


       namespace App\Controller;
       use App\Mailer;
       class DefaultController
           public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) {
               // ...
           // ...
               autowire: true


       // same PHP code
               autowire: true
           # or
           # App\Controller\DefaultController:
           #     arguments: { $mailer: "@App\Mailer" }
               autowire: true
     * removed autowiring services based on the types they implement
     * added a third `$methodName` argument to the `getProxyFactoryCode()` method
       of the `DumperInterface`
     * removed support for autowiring types
     * removed `Container::isFrozen`
     * removed support for dumping an ucompiled container in `PhpDumper`
     * removed support for generating a dumped `Container` without populating the method map
     * removed support for case insensitive service identifiers
     * removed the `DefinitionDecorator` class, replaced by `ChildDefinition`
     * removed the `AutowireServiceResource` class and related `AutowirePass::createResourceForClass()` method
     * removed `LoggingFormatter`, `Compiler::getLoggingFormatter()` and `addLogMessage()` class and methods, use the `ContainerBuilder::log()` method instead
     * removed `FactoryReturnTypePass`
     * removed `ContainerBuilder::addClassResource()`, use the `addObjectResource()` or the `getReflectionClass()` method instead.
     * removed support for top-level anonymous services
     * removed silent behavior for unused attributes and elements
     * removed support for setting and accessing private services in `Container`
     * removed support for setting pre-defined services in `Container`
     * removed support for case insensitivity of parameter names
     * removed `AutowireExceptionPass` and `AutowirePass::getAutowiringExceptions()`, use `Definition::addError()` and the `DefinitionErrorExceptionPass` instead