ElasticSearch PHP v7.9.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-08-18 // over 3 years ago
  • 🚀 This release is compatible with the latest Elasticsearch 7.9.0 released in 18th August 2020.

    🛠 It includes the following fixes:

    • 📚 Moved scroll_id into body for search operations in the documentation #1052
    • 🛠 Fixed PHP 7.4 preloading feature for autoload.php #1051
    • Improved message of JSON errors using json_last_error_msg()#1045
    • 👉 Make ClientBuilder override possible, using static instead of self #1036

    🆕 Added the following new APIs 🎉:


    A new namespace DanglingIndices with following endpoints:

    - DanglingIndices.deleteDanglingIndex: api spec, documentation

    Indices.addBlock: api spec, documentation

    🔒 Security.clearCachedPrivileges: api spec, documentation

    Indices.dataStreamsStats: api spec, documentation


    Beta APIs are on track to become stable and permanent features. Use them with caution because it is possible that breaking changes are made to these APIs in a minor version.

    Eql.get: api spec, documentation

    Eql.delete: api spec, documentation


    🚚 Experimental APIs are just that - an experiment. An experimental API might have breaking changes in any future version, or it might even be removed entirely.

    ⚡️ Ml.updateDataFrameAnalytics: api spec, documentation

    Indices.resolveIndex: api spec, documentation

    Indices.simulateTemplate: api spec, documentation

    API changes

    Indices.putMapping: added the write_index_only parameter = (boolean) When true, applies mappings only to the write index of an alias or data stream (Default = false)

    Ml.deleteExpiredData: added the following parameters:

    • job_id (string) The ID of the job(s) to perform expired data hygiene for
    • requests_per_second (number) The desired requests per second for the deletion processes
    • timeout (time) How long can the underlying delete processes run until they are canceled

    - body (array) deleting expired data parameters

    Ml.forecast: added the parameter max_model_memory (string) The max memory able to be used by the forecast. Default is 20mb.

    Ml.getCategories: added the parameter partition_field_value (string) Specifies the partition to retrieve categories for. This is optional, and should never be used for jobs where per-partition categorization is disabled

    Ml.getTrainedModels: added the parameter for_export (boolean) Omits fields that are illegal to set on model PUT (Default = false)

    Xpack.info: added the parameter accept_enterprise (boolean) If an enterprise license is installed, return the type and mode as 'enterprise' (default: false)

    Indices.deleteDataStream: changed the name parameter from string to list (a comma-separated list of data streams to delete; use * to delete all data streams)

    Indices.getDataStream (name changed from getDataStreams): changed the name parameter from string to list (a comma-separated list of data streams to get; use * to get all data streams)