Firebase Admin SDK for PHP v7.0.0 Release Notes

  • The most notable change is that you need PHP 8.1/8.2 to use the new version. The language migration of the SDK introduces breaking changes concerning the strictness of parameter types almost everywhere in the SDK - however, this should not affect your project in most cases (unless you have used internal classes directly or by extension).

    🚀 This release adds many more PHPDoc annotations to support the usage of Static Analysis Tools like PHPStan 🚚 and Psalm and moves away from doing runtime checks. It is strongly recommended to use a Static Analysis Tool and ensure that input values are validated before handing them over to the SDK.

    Notable changes

    • 🚚 The ability to disable credentials auto-discovery has been removed. If you don't want a service account to be auto-discovered, provide it by using the withServiceAccount() method of the Factory or by setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. Depending on the environment in which the SDK is running, credentials could be auto-discovered otherwise, for example on GCP or GCE.

    ⬆️ See [UPGRADE-7.0]( for more details on the changes between 6.x and 7.0.