Use Facebook GraphQL with Symfony 2. This library port laravel-graphql. It is based on the PHP implementation here.
Symfony 2 GraphQl Bundle alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "API" category.
Alternatively, view Symfony 2 GraphQl Bundle alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
API Platform
πΈοΈ Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time. -
Simple and effective multi-format Web API Server to host your PHP API as Pragmatic REST and/or RESTful API -
DISCONTINUED. Simple utility and class library for generating php classes from a wsdl file. -
This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL API server in your Symfony App. -
Pinterest Bot for PHP
DISCONTINUED. This PHP library will help you to work with your Pinterest account without using any API account credentials. -
Slack for PHP
A simple PHP package for sending messages to Slack, with a focus on ease of use and elegant syntax. -
A minimal, highly performant middleware PSR-15 microframework built with as little complexity as possible, aimed primarily at those developers who want to understand all the vendors they use. -
Quickly and easily expose Doctrine entities as REST resource endpoints with the use of simple configuration with annotations, yaml, json or a PHP array. -
cidaas SDK for php
With this SDK, you can integrate cidaas smoothly and with minimal effort into your PHP application. It enables you to map the most important user flows for OAuth2 and OIDC compliant authentication. Secure β Fast β And unrivaled Swabian. -
A set of utils and actions for build API following JSON:Api specification, based on league/fractal -
PSR-15/PSR-7 compliant middleware using ivanakimov/hashids.php
Cloudways Early Bird Offer
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Symfony 2 GraphQl Bundle or a related project?
Symfony 2 GraphQl Bundle
Use Facebook GraphQL with Symfony 2. This library port laravel-graphql. It is based on the PHP implementation here.
1- Require the package via Composer in your composer.json
"require": {
"suribit/graphql-bundle": "*"
2- Run Composer to install or update the new requirement.
$ composer install
$ composer update
3- Add the service provider to your app/AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Suribit\GraphQLBundle\GraphQLBundle(),
// ...
// ...
4- Create Type src/path your bundle/Types/Country.php
namespace Lgck\GraphQlBundle\Types;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type as TypeBase;
use Suribit\GraphQLBundle\Support\Type;
class Country extends Type
protected $attributes = [
'name' => 'Country',
'description' => 'A Country'
public function fields()
return [
'id' => [
'type' => TypeBase::nonNull(TypeBase::int()),
'description' => 'The id of the country'
'name' => [
'type' => TypeBase::string(),
'description' => 'The name of country'
'status' => [
'type' => TypeBase::int(),
'description' => 'The status of country'
5- Create Query src/path your bundle/Queries/Country.php
namespace Lgck\GraphQlBundle\Queries;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use Suribit\GraphQLBundle\Support\Query;
class Country extends Query
protected $attributes = [
'name' => 'Country query'
public function type()
return $this->manager->type('country');
public function args()
return [
'id' => ['name' => 'id', 'type' => Type::int()],
public function resolve($root, $args)
$em = $this->manager->em; // Doctrine Entity Manager
return [
'id' => `,
'name' => 'Russia',
'status' => 1
6- Create config for graphql schema src/path your bundle/Resources/config/graphql.yml
country: 'Lgck\GraphQlBundle\Types\Country'
country: 'Lgck\GraphQlBundle\Queries\Country'
mutation: []
7- Edit the file src/path your bundle/Resources/config/services.yml
public: true
class: Suribit\GraphQLBundle\ConfigDrivers\Yaml\YamlDriver
- "%kernel.root_dir%/../src/path your bundle/Resources/config/graphql.yml"
class: Suribit\GraphQLBundle\GraphQL
- @doctrine.orm.entity_manager
- @lgck_graph_ql.mapping.driver.yaml
8- Create a controller that will be the starting point for processing the request
// ...
class MainController extends Controller
public function queryAction(Request $request)
$manager = $this->get('lgck_graph_ql.manager');
$query = $request->request->get('query');
try {
$data = $manager->query($query);
} catch (QueryException $e) {
$response = new JsonResponse($e->getErrors(), 500);
return $response;
$response = new JsonResponse($data);
return $response;
9- Now it is possible to send a data request
query FooBar {
country(id: 1) {
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