Brick\Math v0.8.8 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-04-25 // about 5 years ago
  • 🐛 🐛 Bug fixes

    • BigInteger::toBase() could return an empty string for zero values (BCMath & Native calculators only, GMP calculator unaffected)

    🆕 ✨ New features

    • BigInteger::toArbitraryBase() converts a number to an arbitrary base, using a custom alphabet
    • BigInteger::fromArbitraryBase() converts a string in an arbitrary base, using a custom alphabet, back to a number

    These methods can be used as the foundation to convert strings between different bases/alphabets, using BigInteger as an intermediate representation.

    🗄 💩 Deprecations

    • 🗄 BigInteger::parse() is now deprecated in favour of fromBase()

    📜 BigInteger::fromBase() works the same way as parse(), with 2 minor differences:

    • 0️⃣ the $base parameter is required, it does not default to 10
    • it throws a NumberFormatException instead of an InvalidArgumentException when the number is malformed