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Avg Release Cycle
63 days
Latest Release
842 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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v1.18.0 Changes
March 01, 2016- Added optional reduction of timestamp precision via
, disabling it gets you a bit of performance boost but reduces the precision to the second instead of microsecond - Added possibility to skip some extra stack frames in IntrospectionProcessor if you have some library wrapping Monolog that is always adding frames
- Added
to clone a logger (keeping all handlers) with a new name - Added FluentdFormatter for the Fluentd unix socket protocol
- Added HandlerWrapper base class to ease the creation of handler wrappers, just extend it and override as needed
- Added support for replacing context sub-keys using
in LineFormatter - Added support for
context value in RollbarHandler - Added setRelease to RavenHandler to describe the application version, sent with every log
- Added support for
context value in RavenHandler - Fixed JSON encoding errors that would gobble up the whole log record, we now handle those more gracefully by dropping chars as needed
- Fixed write timeouts in SocketHandler and derivatives, set to 10sec by default, lower it with
- Fixed PHP7 compatibility with regard to Exception/Throwable handling in a few places
- Added optional reduction of timestamp precision via
v1.17.2 Changes
October 14, 2015- Fixed ErrorHandler compatibility with non-Monolog PSR-3 loggers
- Fixed SlackHandler handling to use slack functionalities better
- Fixed SwiftMailerHandler bug when sending multiple emails they all had the same id
- Fixed 5.3 compatibility regression
v1.17.1 Changes
August 31, 2015- Fixed RollbarHandler triggering PHP notices
v1.17.0 Changes
August 30, 2015- Added support for
context/extra values in RavenHandler - Added better support for exceptions in RollbarHandler
- Added UidProcessor::getUid
- Added support for showing the resource type in NormalizedFormatter
- Fixed IntrospectionProcessor triggering PHP notices
- Added support for
v1.16.0 Changes
August 09, 2015- Added IFTTTHandler to notify triggers
- Added Logger::setHandlers() to allow setting/replacing all handlers
- Added $capSize in RedisHandler to cap the log size
- Fixed StreamHandler creation of directory to only trigger when the first log write happens
- Fixed bug in the handling of curl failures
- Fixed duplicate logging of fatal errors when both error and fatal error handlers are registered in monolog's ErrorHandler
- Fixed missing fatal errors records with handlers that need to be closed to flush log records
- Fixed TagProcessor::addTags support for associative arrays
v1.15.0 Changes
July 12, 2015- Added addTags and setTags methods to change a TagProcessor
- Added automatic creation of directories if they are missing for a StreamHandler to open a log file
- Added retry functionality to Loggly, Cube and Mandrill handlers so they retry up to 5 times in case of network failure
- Fixed process exit code being incorrectly reset to 0 if ErrorHandler::registerExceptionHandler was used
- Fixed HTML/JS escaping in BrowserConsoleHandler
- Fixed JSON encoding errors being silently suppressed (PHP 5.5+ only)
v1.14.0 Changes
June 19, 2015- Added PHPConsoleHandler to send record to Chrome's PHP Console extension and library
- Added support for objects implementing __toString in the NormalizerFormatter
- Added support for HipChat's v2 API in HipChatHandler
- Added Logger::setTimezone() to initialize the timezone monolog should use in case date.timezone isn't correct for your app
- Added an option to send formatted message instead of the raw record on PushoverHandler via ->useFormattedMessage(true)
- Fixed curl errors being silently suppressed
v1.13.1 Changes
March 09, 2015- Fixed regression in HipChat requiring a new token to be created
v1.13.0 Changes
March 05, 2015- Added Registry::hasLogger to check for the presence of a logger instance
- Added context.user support to RavenHandler
- Added HipChat API v2 support in the HipChatHandler
- Added NativeMailerHandler::addParameter to pass params to the mail() process
- Added context data to SlackHandler when $includeContextAndExtra is true
- Added ability to customize the Swift_Message per-email in SwiftMailerHandler
- Fixed SwiftMailerHandler to lazily create message instances if a callback is provided
- Fixed serialization of INF and NaN values in Normalizer and LineFormatter
v1.12.0 Changes
December 29, 2014- Break: HandlerInterface::isHandling now receives a partial record containing only a level key. This was always the intent and does not break any Monolog handler but is strictly speaking a BC break and you should check if you relied on any other field in your own handlers.
- Added PsrHandler to forward records to another PSR-3 logger
- Added SamplingHandler to wrap around a handler and include only every Nth record
- Added MongoDBFormatter to support better storage with MongoDBHandler (it must be enabled manually for now)
- Added exception codes in the output of most formatters
- Added LineFormatter::includeStacktraces to enable exception stack traces in logs (uses more than one line)
- Added $useShortAttachment to SlackHandler to minify attachment size and $includeExtra to append extra data
- Added $host to HipChatHandler for users of private instances
- Added $transactionName to NewRelicHandler and support for a transaction_name context value
- Fixed MandrillHandler to avoid outputting API call responses
- Fixed some non-standard behaviors in SyslogUdpHandler