Plates v3.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-09-27 // over 9 years ago
    • ➕ Added ability to share data across templates.
    • ➕ Added ability to preassign data to specific templates.
    • ➕ Added ability to create one-off template functions, without using an extension.
    • ➕ Added new folder "fall backs", where missing folder templates will fall back to the default folder.
    • ➕ Added new render() method to Engine class, improving the use of the Engine as the primary API.
    • Templates variables are now accessed without the $this pseudo-variable.
    • Total overhaul to how extensions are registered. Replaced getFunctions() method with new register() method.
    • Section content is no longer assigned to template variables. Use the the section() function instead.
    • 📇 Renamed section end() function to stop(). This fits more appropriately with the start() function.
    • 📇 Renamed get() function to fetch().
    • 📇 Renamed pathExists() method in the Engine class to exists().
    • 📇 Renamed getTemplatePath() method in the Engine class to path().
    • 📇 Renamed makeTemplate() method in the Engine class to make().
    • ✂ Removed the ability to assign template data directly to the Template class. For example: $this->name = 'Jonathan'. This applies both within and outside of templates. Use the data() method instead.
    • ✂ Removed getEngine() method from the Template class. There's no reason to need this anymore.
    • ✂ Removed addFolders() method from the Engine() class.
    • ✂ Removed unloadExtension() and unloadExtensionFunction() methods from the Engine() class.