Propel v2.0.0-alpha5 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-06-27 // almost 9 years ago
  • ✅ More fixes and tests to stabilize Propel2.

    4214adc - Added skipping exclude_tables values on reverse and diff command. Fix #923 <Alexander Zhuravlev>
    73ccedc - Added removeTable() method to Database class <Alexander Zhuravlev>
    06ab419 - Added "exclude_tables" as root node to config <Alexander Zhuravlev>
    fa361a4 - Prefer dist in composer <Marc J. Schmidt>
    e9e8a2f - Fix referenceOnly bug <Michael Knapp>
    8e12750 - Fixed #907, return now always the write-connection for getReadConnection if write-connection has open transaction <Marc J. Schmidt>
    057fc51 - DelegateBehavior: double defined fields now skips instead of throwing exception <Alexander Zhuravlev>
    8b32cd2 - Added 'indices' option to VersionableBehavior <Marc J. Schmidt>
    06914b7 - DelegateBehavior: filterBy(), filterBy*(), orderBy*() now works for delegated properties in generated Query. Fixed toArray() if column array <Alexander Zhuravlev>
    b411c0a - DelegateBehavior: toArray() now returns properties of delegated tables <Alexander Zhuravlev>
    d8eada9 - Fix PostgreSQL's default port running the init command <Robin Dupret>
    d26148e - Fix PgsqlPlatform::getMaxColumnNameLength() <Yuriy>
    2e9f1a2 - Added unit test for mySQl addColumn FIRST logic <Moritz Schroeder>
    8bd5656 - Fix issue #768: wrong DateTime comparison in setter methods <Ansas>
    b9eff7b - Don't set scale to null if scale is not null or 0 <Kai Richard Koenig>
    ab03e63 - Don't set the size to null when a scale is used <Kai Richard Koenig>
    ccf8aeb - Add test to ensure decimal default size is preserved when scale is used <Kai Richard Koenig>
    5839c97 - Be more verbose about what the fix is about in the tests <Kai Richard Koenig>
    2367e22 - Explicitly check for null since a scale of 0 is still valid <Kai Richard Koenig>
    25fad62 - Add expected reversed xml-schema <Kai Richard Koenig>
    a7b774e - Add field decimal field with 0 scale to the database <Kai Richard Koenig>
    f31ee30 - Update ObjectCollectionTest.php <SofHad>
    412e897 - Fix a few typos [ci skip] <Robin Dupret>
    24538e6 - Migration: Missing "AFTER"/"FIRST" when adding columns (MySQL) <Moritz Schroeder>
    0e6f18d - `ModelCriteria::clear()` resets the `$select` value <Maciej Łebkowski>
    96033d3 - Fixed memory usage in OnDemandFormatter by not caching hydrated instances <Alexander Pinnecke>
    bf54160 - Fixed #711 by throwing an excetion if one try to add a foreign key twice <Alexander Pinnecke>
    de1c8a7 - Fix #865: set limit to -1 in clear method <Alexander Pinnecke>
    256880b - Fix usage of addSelfSelectColumns in context of withColumn usages <Alexander Pinnecke>
    3418895 - fix typehining on generated doc blocks by adding default 'mixed'' value <Alexander Pinnecke>
    2641d6a - Added polimorphic joining ability from one to many <Alexander Pinnecke>
    56dbd1c - Fixed memory leak and improved performance in collection iterator. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    f0ce90c - Fixed setter for objects columns <Moritz Schröder>
    0e05013 - Fixed memory(connection) leak, which led to "too many open connections" for long running processes/tests suits. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    f20146a - Added support for polymorphic relations. Fixes #487. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    ab7d993 - Added "typeHint" to column element and "interface" to foreign-key element. Fixed #84. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    c89ee81 - improved nested_set behavior <Gregor Harlan>
    09143af - added requirePk method <Gregor Harlan>
    07258df - Improved error message when external schema cannot be found <Marc Scholten>
    842612e - Added getJoin/hasJoin to Criteria. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    3a2bc56 - Changed toArray to format temporal columns as ISO8601 strings <Marc Scholten>
    fac953c - Added requireOne, requireOneBy, requireOneByArray methods to Models <Marc Scholten>
    993bc02 - Convert DateTime to ISO8601-String in JsonParser before calling json_encode <Marc Scholten>
    40d0bab - Fixed #833, Fixed #834 - migrations: hard-fail now per default and added --fake option. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    49ca0b7 - Add exists() to the ModelCriteria. <Kit Sunde>
    9127583 - Added postHydrate hook back. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    08cff17 - Fix migration of unique/index keys <David Pavlík>
    ef8cb46 - fixed enum column usage in where() without value parameter <Gregor Harlan>
    7a2f79e - Return in doSave() the correct $affectedRows value. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    2e8dcdf - added 'exclude_behaviors' parameter to concrete_inheritance behavior to exclude behaviors from parent in child table <Pierre Minnieur>
    887bfed - Fixed SqlParser for Triggers that use `delimiter` statement of mysql. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    814e3bb - allow whitespace folders for setup database scripts escape also username host and password <nymo>
    49f0c6c - Removed comment at the closing brace of Extension Query Classes to conform psr-1/psr-2 <Marc Scholten>
    7a6691c - Fixed bug with hydrating objects that belong to another object through a many-to-one relation. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    b0c2533 - Fix ignore `generator.platformClass` property <Cristiano Cinotti>
    3094f64 - Fix issue #791 <Cristiano Cinotti>
    c13ca73 - Fixed migration with TRIGGERs. <Marc J. Schmidt>
    63ee268 - Made the sorting in getSchemas per default by name. <Marc J. Schmidt>