PSX Framework v0.9 Release Notes
- โ Remove psx sql library and using doctrine dbal instead
- ๐ Improved data system seperating reader functionality into an reader and transformer class
- โ Added data schema component with that it is possible to describe json or xml data formats. The schema can be exported into XSD or JsonSchema
- ๐ Make cache system psr-6 compatible
- โ Added @Inject annotation to use a service from the DI container inside and command or controller
- Extended validate library
- Implemented the first version of the psr http-message interfaces
- ๐ Improve template interface and add missing methods in smarty and twig handler
- Split up di container services into different traits
- โ Add command system
- โ Add support for chunked transfer encoding
- Error handling was shifted in an controller which can be overwritten to provide custom error page or handling
- Doctrine handler resolves TO_ONE entity associations
- ๐ Improved request factory
- Possibility to set an wildcard in an routing file