
PHP 8.4 is expected to drop on November 21, 2024. Let's review the known new features and changes.
Pint Express is a free and open source tool that lets you leverage Laravel Pint on the web to quickly format and beautify any PHP code snippet using the Laravel, PER, PSR-12, or Symfony coding style presets.
What's the current version of Laravel? Is there any LTS release you can rely on? And what about the history of the framework? Let's find out!
Whether PHP is dead is a matter of numbers, not opinions. I will provide you with essential statistics that will lead you to make better decisions.
Let me show a bunch of best practices that will help you keep your Laravel application secure.
A free tool based on pestphp/pest-plugin-drift and created by Benjamin Crozat.
Offer new ways to interact with your app to your users. Learn how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Laravel.
Generate Laravel Nova admin panels at light speed with GPT-4.
Learning a framework can be overwhelming. Time and practice will make you a master. Here are some best practices to help you toward your goal.
Job interviews are not as tough as they seem. Using my experience, I'll guide you and give you a list of questions you should be able to answer.
Hiring a good developer can be challenging. But if you follow these tips and you will be able to hire the right fit for your projects.
A soft delete in Laravel allows you to prevent mistakes by not removing sensitive data from your database right away.
Take your code to the next level, thanks to exceptions. Handle errors in a more graceful way within try and catch blocks.
Whether you are a company, a fresh new startup, a freelancer, or a young developer, choosing the right hosting provider is crucial.
Let's review some quick wins that Laravel Collections provide to instantly make your codebase better.
Whether PHP is dead or not is a matter of numbers, not opinions. This article will provide you with essential statistics that will lead you to make better decisions.
Learning a framework can be overwhelming. Time and practice will make you a master. Here are some best practices to help you toward your goal.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a trending topic in the programming space. It enables developers to do incredible things, and many startups build products around it.
When in doubt, clear the cache. In this article, you will learn how to clear every cache Laravel uses as well as how to clear them granularly.
Redirects in PHP are simple. I will guide you step by step and show you how to dodge some traps. Finally, we'll learn the nuance between 301 and 302 redirects.
PHP 8.3 will be released in November 2023, and as usual, you need to be up to date with new features and breaking changes for easier transitions.
Laravel 10 will be released on February 7, 2023. Its development is still ongoing. Let's dive into every relevant new feature we know about already.
Laravel 10 will be released on February 7, 2023. Its development is still ongoing. That said, every Laravel ninja should already know what's coming.
Here is the solution to fix "Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP" warnings.
Migrations are essential in any Laravel app using a database. I will tell you what they are, why you should use them and how you can generate them.