Vagrant v0.9.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2012-01-17 // over 12 years ago
    • VirtualBox 4.0 support backported in addition to supporting VirtualBox 4.1.
    • syntax changed so that the first argument is now the type of argument. Previously where you had "" you should now put :hostonly, "". This is in order to support bridged networking, as well.
    • config.vm.forward_port no longer requires a name parameter.
    • Bridged networking. with :bridged as the option will setup a bridged network.
    • Host only networks can be configured with DHCP now. Specify :dhcp as the IP and it will be done.
    • config.vm.customize now takes a command to send to VBoxManage, so any arbitrary command can be sent. The older style of passing a block no longer works and Vagrant will give a proper error message if it notices this old-style being used.
    • config.ssh.forwarded_port_key is gone. Vagrant no longer cares about forwarded port names for any reason. Please use config.ssh.guest_port (more below).
    • config.ssh.forwarded_port_destination has been replaced by config.ssh.guest_port which more accurately reflects what it is used for. Vagrant will automatically scan forwarded ports that match the guest port to find the SSH port.
    • Logging. The entire Vagrant source has had logging sprinkled throughout to make debugging issues easier. To enable logging, set the VAGRANT_LOG environmental variable to the log level you wish to see. By default, logging is silent.
    • system renamed to guest throughout the source. Any config.vm.system configurations must be changed to config.vm.guest
    • Puppet provisioner no longer defaults manifest to "box.pp." Instead, it is now "default.pp"
    • All Vagrant commands that take a VM name in a Multi-VM environment can now be given a regular expression. If the name starts and ends with a "/" then it is assumed to be a regular expression. [GH-573]
    • Added a "--plain" flag to vagrant ssh which will cause Vagrant to not perform any authentication. It will simply ssh into the proper IP and port of the virtual machine.
    • If a shared folder now has a :create flag set to true, the path on the host will be created if it doesn't exist.
    • Added --force flag to box add, which will overwrite any existing boxes if they exist. [GH-631]
    • Added --provision-with to up which configures what provisioners run, by shortcut. [GH-367]
    • Arbitrary mount options can be passed with :extra to any shared folders. [GH-551]
    • Options passed after a -- to vagrant ssh are now passed directly to ssh. [GH-554]
    • Ubuntu guests will now emit a vagrant-mounted upstart event after shared folders are mounted.
    • attempts is a new option on chef client and chef solo provisioners. This will run the provisioner multiple times until erroring about failing convergence. [GH-282]
    • Removed Thor as a dependency for the command line interfaces. This resulted in general speed increases across all command line commands.
    • Linux uses shutdown -h instead of halt to hopefully more consistently power off the system. [GH-575]
    • Tweaks to SSH to hopefully be more reliable in coming up.
    • Helpful error message when SCP is unavailable in the guest. [GH-568]
    • Error message for improperly packaged box files. [GH-198]
    • Copy insecure private key to user-owned directory so even sudo installed Vagrant installations work. [GH-580]
    • Provisioner stdout/stderr is now color coded based on stdout/stderr. stdout is green, stderr is red. [GH-595]
    • Chef solo now prompts users to run a reload if shared folders are not found on the VM. [GH-253]
    • "--no-provision" once again works for certain commands. [GH-591]
    • Resuming a VM from a saved state will show an error message if there would be port collisions. [GH-602]
    • vagrant ssh -c will now exit with the same exit code as the command run. [GH-598]
    • vagrant ssh -c will now send stderr to stderr and stdout to stdout on the host machine, instead of all output to stdout.
    • vagrant box add path now accepts unexpanded shell paths such as ~/foo and will properly expand them. [GH-633]
    • Vagrant can now be interrupted during the "importing" step.
    • NFS exports will no longer be cleared when an expected error occurs. [GH-577]