Yasumi v1.4.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-06-04 // almost 8 years ago
  • ➕ Added

    • ➕ Added Holiday Provider for Brazil. #21 (dorianneto)
    • ➕ Added Holiday Provider for the Czech Republic. #26 (dfridrich)
    • ➕ Added Holiday Provider for the United Kingdom. #23 (stelgenhof)
    • ➕ Add Welsh language (spoken in Wales, UK) translations for the holidays in the United Kingdom #25 (meigwilym)
    • To determine a set of holidays between two dates you can now use the aptly named 'between()' method.

    🔄 Changed

    • All Holiday Provider must now implement a code that will identify it. Typically, this is the ISO3166 code corresponding to the respective country or sub-region. This can help for purposes such as translations or interfacing with other API's for example.

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Fixed an issue with the unit test for the 'getProviders' method failing on Windows. Hardcoded unix-style directory separators have been replaced by DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. #30 (navarr)
    • 🌐 Corrected a typo in the English translation for 敬老の日 ( Japan) #22 (navarr)
    • 🛠 Fixed issue that the unit tests in 'YasumiTest' (methods 'next' and 'previous') did not cover the situations that the limits are exceeded. #28