All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
23 days
Latest Release
3144 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v1.0.0-beta4

    September 17, 2015
  • v1.0.0-beta3

    September 10, 2015
  • v0.9.6 Changes

    March 31, 2016

    โž• Added

    • โž• Added Icicle\execute() function that takes a callback (may be a normal function, return an Awaitable, or be a coroutine) and runs the function within a running event loop. This function may be used to initialize and run a program instead of manually creating an initial Coroutine instance and calling Icicle\Loop\run().

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed #18 resulting from stream_select() on Windows sometimes removing array keys if only a single socket is in the loop.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed a bug in Icicle\Loop\SelectLoop that could result in the callback on an IO watcher to be erroneously invoked with $expired set to true if Io::listen() is called successively without an event occurring between invocations.
  • v0.9.5 Changes

    February 21, 2016

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changed

    • Awaitables are now synchronously resolved. Callbacks are immediately invoked when an awaitable is resolved. Callbacks registered with then(), done() or other methods will invoke the callback immediately if the awaitable has been resolved. This change was made to improve performance in coroutines. If resolving an awaitable in an object, be sure to cleanup the objects state before resolving the awaitable. With this change, methods on the object could be called before the method resolving the awaitable finishes. While some changes were needed within this library and some of the basic Icicle packages, application code built on coroutines should see no effects from this change.
    • ๐Ÿšฆ Renamed signalHandlingEnabled() to isSignalHandlingEnabled() in Icicle\Loop\Loop to be consistent with other method naming conventions. The function Icicle\Loop\signalHandlingEnabled() was also renamed to Icicle\Loop\isSignalHandlingEnabled().
    • Immediates are now invoked only if there are no active events in the loop. An active event is one where the event has occurred, but the callback has not yet been invoked. As before, only a single Immediate is invoked before polling streams for data, invoking timers, or checking for signals.
    • Cancelled coroutines now continue executing their generator function, allowing coroutines to execute cleanup code in try/catch blocks. As before, if a coroutine is waiting on an awaitable at the time it is cancelled, that awaitable is still cancelled. The cancellation reason is then thrown into the generator.
  • v0.9.4 Changes

    January 18, 2016

    โž• Added

    • โž• Added of(), fail(), concat(), zip(), and range() functions to the Icicle\Observable namespace. See each function for more information.
    • โž• Added reduce() function to Icicle\Observable\Observable that executes an accumulator function on each emitted value, returning an observable that emits the current accumulated value after each invokation of the accumulator.

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changed

    • 0๏ธโƒฃ Passing null (now the default argument) to Icicle\Loop\Loop::maxQueueDepth() or Icicle\Loop\maxQueueDepth() will return the current max queue depth without modifying it.
    • Icicle\Observable\Emitter can delegate to another instance of Icicle\Observable\Observable by emitting the observable. Values from the emitted observable will then be emitted as though they were emitted by the delegating observable. The $emit callable will resolve with the return value of the emitted observable.
    • ๐Ÿ‘€ Icicle\Observable\Emitter now allows multiple coroutines to be created from the $emit callable simultaneously. This makes no difference for emitters using yield with $emit, but simplifies implementations using $emit as part of a callback that may be called before the previous value has finished emitting. See Icicle\Observable\merge() for an example of a function that uses $emit as a callback.
    • ๐Ÿ‘ป If an awaitable emitted from Icicle\Observable\Emitter is rejected, the observable will fail with the exception used to reject the awaitable.
    • ๐Ÿšš Icicle\Observable\observe() now takes a callable $onDisposed argument that is invoked with the callable passed to the emitting function if the observable is disposed. This function can be used to remove the callable from the event emitter.

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed #14 caused by queued function arguments being retained in the loop until a full tick completed, consuming more memory than necessary. Arguments are now freed immediately after executing each queued function.
  • v0.9.3 Changes

    January 04, 2016

    โž• Added

    • ๐Ÿ‘ป Icicle\Observable\Emitter gained an optional $onDisposed parameter on the constructor accepting a callback function that is executed if the observable is disposed (either automatically or explicitly). This callback can either be a regular function, return an awaitable, or a coroutine. If the callback function returns an awaitable or is a coroutine, the observable is not disposed until the awaitable resolves. If the callback throws an exception (or the awaitable rejects), that exception will be used to dispose of the observable.

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changed

    • ๐Ÿ‘ป Cancelling a coroutine will no longer throw the cancellation reason into the generator. Generator execution is simply terminated. Repeatedly throwing the exception into the generator caused unpredictable and unexpected behaviors. Use finally blocks or cancellation functions on awaitables if it is necessary to clean up state in coroutines. This method is far cleaner and prevents unintentional state-altering code being executed after cancellation.
    • Cancelled awaitables will now report as pending until any cancellation function has been invoked.

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed issue where the coroutine created from a yielded generator in a coroutine would not be cancelled if the parent coroutine was cancelled (issue only affected v0.9.x and v1.x branches).
  • v0.9.2 Changes

    December 17, 2015

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changes

    • Watchers now pass the watcher object to the callback function when an event occurs. The watcher object is passed as the last function argument (in the case of timers and immediates, the only argument).
    • All watchers now include setData() and getData() methods for setting and getting data associated with the watcher. Functions creating watchers have an optional $data parameter that can be used to set the data associated with a watcher when it is created.
    • The functions creating timers and immediates no longer accept a variadic list of arguments to pass to the callback invoked by the timer or immediate. Instead the timer or immediate watcher object is passed to the callback. Use getData() and setData() on the watcher for passing data to the callback.
  • v0.9.1 Changes

    December 04, 2015

    ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    • Icicle\Loop\Watcher\Timer gained an again() method that will restart the timer as though it were just started even if the timer is currently pending.
    • 0๏ธโƒฃ Icicle\Loop\poll() and Icicle\Loop\await() now have a third parameter that if true (defaults to false) will create a persistent IO watcher object that will remain active once listen() is called until cancel() is called on the watcher. Icicle\Loop\Watcher\Io gained a isPersistent() method returning a boolean.

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changes

    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropped support for the event and libevent extensions. These extensions have been replaced by the ev extension and are no longer being actively developed.
    • Cancelling a coroutine will throw the cancellation reason into the generator and cancel any yielded awaitables.

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed issue where disposing of an observable would not throw the disposal reason from ObservableIterator::getReturn().
  • v0.9.0 Changes

    December 02, 2015

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changes

    • ๐Ÿšš All interface names have been changed to remove the Interface suffix. Most interfaces simply had the suffix removed, but there are a few exceptions - more below.
    • Promises are now Awaitables
      • The Icicle\Promise namespace has been renamed to Icicle\Awaitable. Icicle\Promise\PromiseInterface is now Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable.
      • Icicle\Awaitable\Promise (previously Icicle\Promise\Promise) now extends a new class Icicle\Awaitable\Future that implements Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable. Future uses protected methods to resolve the awaitable, so it can be extended to create awaitables that are resolved in different ways. The functionality of Promise has not changed.
      • Icicle\Coroutine\Coroutine now also extends Icicle\Awaitable\Future. The functionality of Coroutine has not changed, but it should be faster to create a Coroutine object. Icicle\Coroutine\CoroutineInterface has been removed.
    • ๐Ÿšš The Icicle\Loop\Events namespace was renamed to Icicle\Loop\Watcher. Interfaces in the namespace were removed except EventInterface which was renamed to Watcher.
    • Icicle\Loop\Events\SocketEvent was renamed to Icicle\Loop\Watcher\Io since more than just 'sockets' can be used.
    • Icicle\Coroutine\create() no longer throws if the callback throws or returns a promise, instead it returns a rejected coroutine.
    • โฑ Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable::timeout() (previously Icicle\Promise\PromiseInterface::timeout()) now takes a callback function that is invoked if the parent awaitable is not resolved in the given timeout. The promise returned from this method is resolved by the callback function. This callback function can still cancel the parent promise if desired or perform any other action.
    • ๐Ÿ‘ป Rejecting an awaitable now requires an exception instance.
    • ๐Ÿ‘ป Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable::cancel() (previously Icicle\Promise\PromiseInterface::cancel() now requires an exception instance or null. If null, an instance of Icicle\Awaitable\Exception\CancelledException is used.
    • ๐Ÿ‘ป Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable::timeout() (previously Icicle\Promise\PromiseInterface::timeout() now takes a callable or null as the second argument. The awaitable returned from timeout() is resolved by the callable or rejected with an instance of Icicle\Awaitable\Exception\TimeoutException if no callable is given.

    ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    • โž• Added observables that represent asynchronous collections. Observables implement Icicle\Observable\Observable and include array-like methods including Observable::map() and Observable::filter(). Observables can be iterated over asynchronously in a coroutine using the iterator returned from Observable::getIterator(). See the example in examples/observable.php and the documentation (work-in-progress) for more information.
    • Icicle\Awaitable\Delayed was added as a publicly resolvable awaitable. This type of awaitable should not be returned from public APIs, but rather only used internally within a class or Coroutine to create an awaitable that can be resolved later. So in other words, a class method or function should never return a Delayed. In general, methods and functions should not be returning awaitables as part of their public API. The public API should consist of Generators that can be used as Coroutines.
    • Icicle\Awaitable\Awaitable now has a method uncancellable() that returns an awaitable that cannot be cancelled (the cancel() method is a no-op).
  • v0.8.3 Changes

    September 17, 2015

    ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    • โž• Added Coroutine\run() function that may be used to create an initial coroutine that runs the rest of the application. This function should not be called in a running event loop.
    • ๐Ÿšฆ All loop events can now be referenced/unreferenced like timers using the reference() and unreference() methods on event objects. Only referenced events will prevent an event loop from exiting the run() method. Signal events are created as unreferenced, while all other events are created as referenced.