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API libraries

Showing projects tagged as Client and API

  • Slack for PHP

    2.9 0.0 PHP
    A simple PHP package for sending messages to Slack, with a focus on ease of use and elegant syntax.
  • Crowdin PHP client

    2.4 6.4 PHP
    PHP client library for Crowdin API
  • Notion SDK for PHP

    1.9 5.6 PHP
    PHP library for the official Notion API.
  • Thumbor PHP

    1.7 3.5 PHP
    PHP implementation of URL generator for Thumbor
  • cidaas SDK for php

    1.2 7.4 PHP
    With this SDK, you can integrate cidaas smoothly and with minimal effort into your PHP application. It enables you to map the most important user flows for OAuth2 and OIDC compliant authentication. Secure – Fast – And unrivaled Swabian.
  • mite SDK for PHP

    1.0 6.0 PHP
    Interact with mite from your PHP application.
  • Personio SDK for PHP

    0.9 4.9 PHP
    Interact with Personio from your PHP application.