Google libraries

Showing projects tagged as Google

  • HybridAuth

    8.7 4.5 L3 PHP
    Open source social sign on PHP Library. HybridAuth goal is to act as an abstract api between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.
  • Firebase Admin SDK for PHP

    7.8 8.8 PHP
    Unofficial Firebase Admin SDK for PHP
  • Opauth

    7.4 0.0 L5 PHP
    Multi-provider authentication framework for PHP
  • SocialConnect Auth

    5.5 0.6 L4 PHP
    :atom: Social (OAuth1\OAuth2\OpenID\OpenIDConnect) sign with PHP :shipit:
  • scheb/two-factor-bundle

    4.9 5.1 PHP
    DISCONTINUED. [ABANDONED] Two-factor authentication for Symfony 2 & 3 applications 🔐. Please use the newer versions from

    4.3 0.0 L5 PHP
    :passport_control: Helper for Google's new noCAPTCHA (reCAPTCHA v2 & v3)
  • Google Translate For Free

    3.3 0.0 PHP
    Library for free use Google Translator. With attempts connecting on failure and array support.
  • PhpInsights

    2.7 0.0 PHP
    A versatile PHP Library for Google PageSpeed Insights