

This is the Mailgun PHP SDK. This SDK contains methods for easily interacting with the Mailgun API. Below are examples to get you started. For additional examples, please see our official documentation at http://documentation.mailgun.com

Code Quality Rank: L5
Programming language: PHP
License: MIT License
Tags: Third Party APIs    
Latest version: v3.5.5

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Mailgun PHP client

This is the Mailgun PHP SDK. This SDK contains methods for easily interacting with the Mailgun API. Below are examples to get you started. For additional examples, please see our official documentation at http://documentation.mailgun.com

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To install the SDK, you will need to be using Composer in your project. If you aren't using Composer yet, it's really simple! Here's how to install composer:

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

The Mailgun API Client is not hard coupled to Guzzle, Buzz or any other library that sends HTTP messages. Instead, it uses the PSR-18 client abstraction. This will give you the flexibility to choose what PSR-7 implementation and HTTP client you want to use.

If you just want to get started quickly you should run the following command:

composer require mailgun/mailgun-php symfony/http-client nyholm/psr7


You should always use Composer autoloader in your application to automatically load your dependencies. All the examples below assume you've already included this in your file:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Mailgun\Mailgun;

Here's how to send a message using the SDK:

// First, instantiate the SDK with your API credentials
$mg = Mailgun::create('key-example'); // For US servers
$mg = Mailgun::create('key-example', 'https://api.eu.mailgun.net'); // For EU servers

// Now, compose and send your message.
// $mg->messages()->send($domain, $params);
$mg->messages()->send('example.com', [
  'from'    => '[email protected]',
  'to'      => '[email protected]',
  'subject' => 'The PHP SDK is awesome!',
  'text'    => 'It is so simple to send a message.'

Attention: $domain must match to the domain you have configured on app.mailgun.com.

Usage of new method for updating web scheme

# Include the Autoloader (see "Libraries" for install instructions)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Mailgun\Mailgun;

# Instantiate the client.
$mgClient = Mailgun::create('KEY', 'FULL_DOMAIN_URL');
$domain = "DOMAIN";

# Issue the call to the client.
$result = $mgClient->domains()->updateWebScheme($domain, 'https');


Custom http request to the API

# Include the Autoloader (see "Libraries" for install instructions)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Mailgun\Mailgun;

# Instantiate the client.
$mgClient = Mailgun::create('KEY', 'ENDPOINT');
$domain = "DOMAIN";

$path = 'some path';
$params = [];

# Issue the call to the client.
$resultPost = $mgClient->httpClient()->httpPost($path, $params);

$resultGet = $mgClient->httpClient()->httpGet($path, $params);

$resultPut = $mgClient->httpClient()->httpPut($path, $params);

$resultDelete = $mgClient->httpClient()->httpDelete($path, $params);

All usage examples

You will find more detailed documentation at [/doc](doc/index.md) and on https://documentation.mailgun.com.


The result of an API call is, by default, a domain object. This will make it easy to understand the response without reading the documentation. One can just read the doc blocks on the response classes. This provides an excellent IDE integration.

$mg = Mailgun::create('key-example');
$dns = $mg->domains()->show('example.com')->getInboundDNSRecords();

foreach ($dns as $record) {
  echo $record->getType();

If you'd rather work with an array than an object you can inject the ArrayHydrator to the Mailgun class.

use Mailgun\Hydrator\ArrayHydrator;

$configurator = new HttpClientConfigurator();

$mg = new Mailgun($configurator, new ArrayHydrator());
$data = $mg->domains()->show('example.com');

foreach ($data['receiving_dns_records'] as $record) {
  echo isset($record['record_type']) ? $record['record_type'] : null;

You can also use the NoopHydrator to get a PSR7 Response returned from the API calls.

Warning: When using NoopHydrator there will be no exceptions on a non-200 response.


Debugging the PHP SDK can be helpful when things aren't working quite right. To debug the SDK, here are some suggestions:

Set the endpoint to Mailgun's Postbin. A Postbin is a web service that allows you to post data, which then you can display it through a browser. Using Postbin is an easy way to quickly determine what data you're transmitting to Mailgun's API.

Step 1 - Create a new Postbin. Go to http://bin.mailgun.net. The Postbin will generate a special URL. Save that URL.

Step 2 - Instantiate the Mailgun client using Postbin.

Tip: The bin id will be the URL part after bin.mailgun.net. It will be random generated letters and numbers. For example, the bin id in this URL (http://bin.mailgun.net/aecf68de) is aecf68de.

use Mailgun\HttpClient\HttpClientConfigurator;
use Mailgun\Hydrator\NoopHydrator;

$configurator = new HttpClientConfigurator();

$mg = new Mailgun($configurator, new NoopHydrator());

# Now, compose and send your message.
$mg->messages()->send('example.com', [
  'from'    => '[email protected]',
  'to'      => '[email protected]',
  'subject' => 'The PHP SDK is awesome!',
  'text'    => 'It is so simple to send a message.'

Additional Info

For usage examples on each API endpoint, head over to our official documentation pages.

This SDK includes a [Message Builder](src/Message/README.md), [Batch Message](src/Message/README.md).

Message Builder allows you to quickly create the array of parameters, required to send a message, by calling a methods for each parameter. Batch Message is an extension of Message Builder, and allows you to easily send a batch message job within a few seconds. The complexity of batch messaging is eliminated!

Framework integration

If you are using a framework you might consider these composer packages to make the framework integration easier.


This SDK is an Open Source under the MIT license. It is, thus, maintained by collaborators and contributors.

Feel free to contribute in any way. As an example you may:

  • Trying out the dev-master code
  • Create issues if you find problems
  • Reply to other people's issues
  • Review PRs

Running the test code

If you want to run the tests you should run the following commands:

git clone [email protected]:mailgun/mailgun-php.git
cd mailgun-php
composer update
composer test

Support and Feedback

Be sure to visit the Mailgun official documentation website for additional information about our API.

If you find a bug, please submit the issue in Github directly. Mailgun-PHP Issues

As always, if you need additional assistance, drop us a note through your account at https://app.mailgun.com/app/support/list.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Mailgun README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.