PHP OAuth 2.0 Server v2.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2013-05-10 // almost 11 years ago
    • 🚚 Moved zetacomponents/database to "suggest" in composer.json. If you rely on this feature you now need to include " zetacomponents/database" into "require" key in your own composer.json. (Issue #51)
    • 🆕 New method in Refresh grant called rotateRefreshTokens(). Pass in true to issue a new refresh token each time an access token is refreshed. This parameter needs to be set to true in order to request reduced scopes with the new access token. (Issue #47)
    • 📇 Rename key column in oauth_scopes table to scope as key is a reserved SQL word. (Issue #45)
    • 0️⃣ The scope parameter is no longer required by default as per the RFC. (Issue #43)
    • 0️⃣ You can now set multiple default scopes by passing an array into setDefaultScope(). (Issue #42)
    • The password and client credentials grants now allow for multiple sessions per user. (Issue #32)
    • Scopes associated to authorization codes are not held in their own table (Issue #44)
    • ⚡️ Database schema updates.