phan v3.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-07-16 // almost 4 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ†• New features (CLI, Config):

    • โž• Add --output-mode=verbose to print the line of code which caused the issue to be emitted after the textual issue output.
      This is only emitted if the line is not whitespace, could be read, and does not exceed the config setting max_verbose_snippet_length.
    • Add included_extension_subset to limit Phan to using the reflection information to a subset of available extensions. (#4015)
      This can be used to make Phan warn about using constants/functions/classes that are not in the target environment or dependency list
      of a given PHP project/library.
      Note that this may cause issues if a class from an extension in this list depends on classes from another extension that is outside of this list.

    ๐Ÿ†• New features (Analysis):

    โš  Don't emit PhanTypeInvalidLeftOperandOfBitwiseOp and other binary operation warnings for mixed

    Emit PhanIncompatibleRealPropertyType when real property types are incompatible (#4016)

    ๐Ÿ”„ Change the way PhanIncompatibleCompositionProp is checked for. (#4024)
    Only emit it when the property was redeclared in an inherited trait.

    Emit PhanProvidingUnusedParameter when passing an argument to a function with an optional parameter named $unused* or $_. (#4026)
    This can also be suppressed on the functionlike's declaration, and should be suppressed if this does not match the project's parameter naming.
    This is limited to functions with no overrides.

    Emit PhanParamTooFewInPHPDoc when a parameter that is marked with @phan-mandatory-param is not passed in. (#4026)
    ๐Ÿš€ This is useful when needing to preserve method signature compatibility in a method override, or when a parameter will become mandatory in a future backwards incompatible release of a project.

    Emit PhanTypeMismatchArgumentProbablyReal instead of PhanTypeMismatchArgument when the inferred real type of an argument has nothing in common with the phpdoc type of a user-defined function/method.
    This is usually a stronger indicator that the phpdoc parameter type is inaccurate/incomplete or the argument is incorrect.
    ๐Ÿšš (Overall, fixing phpdoc errors may help ensure compatibility long-term if the library/framework being used moves to real types (e.g. php 8.0 union types) in the future.)

    Note that Phan provides many ways to suppress issues (including the --save-baseline=.phan/baseline.php and --load-baseline=.phan/baseline.php functionality) in case
    the switch to ProbablyReal introduces too many new issues in your codebase.

    (The new ProbablyReal issues are more severe than the original issue types.
    When they're suppressed, the original less severe issue types will also be suppressed)

    Emit PhanTypeMismatchReturnProbablyReal instead of PhanTypeMismatchReturn when the inferred real return type has nothing in common with the declared phpdoc return type of a user-defined function/method. (#4028)

    Emit PhanTypeMismatchPropertyProbablyReal instead of PhanTypeMismatchProperty when the inferred assigned property type has nothing in common with a property's declared phpdoc type. (#4029)

    Emit PhanTypeMismatchArgumentInternalProbablyReal instead of PhanTypeMismatchArgumentInternal in a few more cases.

    Be stricter about checking if callables/closures have anything in common with other types.

    Preserve more specific phpdoc types when the php 8.0 mixed type is part of the real type set.

    ๐Ÿ”Œ Also emit PhanPluginUseReturnValueNoopVoid when a function/method's return type is implicitly void (#4049)

    ๐Ÿ‘Œ Support @param MyType $name one line description @unused-param to suppress warnings about individual unused method parameters.
    This is a new alias of @phan-unused-param.

    Support analyzing PHP 8.0's match expression. (#3970)

    ๐Ÿ”Œ Plugins:

    • ๐Ÿ”Œ Warn and skip checks instead of crashing when running InlineHTMLPlugin without the tokenizer extension installed. (#3998)
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Support throwing \Phan\PluginV3\UnloadablePluginException instead of returning a plugin object in plugin files.
    • ๐Ÿ”Œ When a plugin registers for a method definition with AnalyzeFunctionCallCapability, automatically register the same closure for all classlikes using the same inherited definition of that method. (#4021)
    • โž• Add UnsafeCodePlugin to warn about uses of eval or the backtick string shorthand for shell_exec().
    • โž• Add DeprecateAliasPlugin to mark known aliases such as sizeof() or join() as deprecated.
      ๐Ÿ‘ Implement support for --automatic-fix.
    • Add PHPDocInWrongCommentPlugin to warn about using /* instead of /** with phpdoc annotations supported by Phan.


    • โšก๏ธ Update more unit tests for php 8.0.
    • โš  Emit a warning and load an extremely limited polyfill for filter_var to parse integers/floats if the filter extension is not loaded.

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes:

    • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Make suppressions on trait methods/properties consistently apply to the inherited definitions from classes/traits using those traits.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix false positive where Phan would think that union types with real types containing int and other types had an impossible condition.
      ๐Ÿ›  Fix another false positive checking if ?A|?B can cast to another union type.