Propel v2.0.0-alpha10 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-07-13 // almost 4 years ago
  • ๐Ÿš€ With this release, we continue Alpha-version cleanups aiming API stabilization. It's a good target for project updates, as it has the widest dependency list (including EOL components). In the following releases, we expect to reduce the support of EOL components.

    ๐Ÿš€ Many thanks to our contributors, who made possible this release to come that fast. ๐Ÿ‘

    • ๐Ÿ‘ Full support with Symfony components 2.7+, 3.3+, 4.0+, 5.0+ ( @Incognito )
    • Adds support for MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT configuration option ( @marcusirgens )
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed an issue where propel reverse breaks with system-versioned tables ( @zwhedbee )
    • โš  Applies PHPStan Level 1 Fixes, which corrects many warnings, type checks, missing types, and incorrect annotations. ( @dereuromark )

    ๐Ÿš€ Some interesting commits in this release:

    2da7387 Fix issue where propel reverse breaks with system-versioned tables (#1549)
    4093a26 Allow option MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT to be set
    584c40b Add PHPStan level 1 check with baseline until we can remove symf2.
    c8a40ff Sf validator v5 (#1603)
    78862a2 Start enforcing PHPStan level 1.
    9ea8516 Make execute() compatible to Symf5 int only.
    f3d47fd fix(PDO): Can't prepare query with BINARY_ALL criteria when ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES is false
    0027b1c sf validator in v3.0, v3.1 and v3.2 all have regex issues
    db208d7 The symfony 4.2 Unique validator is not a suitable replacement for Propel's
    5e4361f Special composer for php8 testing
    09f6f3a Mysql test were incorrectly setup
    7a71f8c Prevent infinite loops when database is not connecting
    3328fe1 Symfony 5 enforces return types on execute method
    8734275 Now with updated console to Sf v5
    5b3db85 Requires phpunit fix for reflection on php7.4. 7.5.15 Also runs on php7.1
    9bc9162 sf 2.5 is about 5 years past EOL, dropping it reduces unpredictable codepaths and feature sniffing
    9cde76f Properly register the translation dependency needed by the validation behaviour for sf >= 2.5
    cec2867 FIX bug CLOB_EMU oracle
    33503a6 Make travis run postgresql 12 (#1580)
    171743a Fix SQLite sprintf() error (#1587)
    5221ebc Works on Trusty but not Xenial or Bionic. Because 10.1 is only a few months form EOL, using Trust is acceptable for this. 10.1 tests should be removed in the coming months anyway.
    40466af Enable MariaDB builds
    c1b4361 Use PSR-4 autoloader
    439b2b6 Raise code quality to PhpStan on lowest level 1