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Changelog History
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Changelog History
Page 7
v0.7.29 Changes
June 05, 2020➕ Added
- 💅 [#3456] [CodingStyle] Add RemoveDoubleUnderscoreInMethodNameRector
- [#3470] add fix for preslah of entity class
- 🚚 [#3455] Add RemoveFuncCallArgRector, ClearReturnNewByReferenceRector, RemoveIniGetSetFuncCallRector, ReplaceHttpServerVarsByServerRector
- 🚚 [#3459] [PHP 8.0] Add RemoveUnusedVariableInCatchRector
- [#3458] [PHP 8.0] Add TokenGetAllToObjectRector
🔄 Changed
- ⚡️ [#3450] update to phpstan/phpstan-phpunit 0.12.9
- [#3457] [PHP 7.2] Various improvements in ListEach and WhileEach Rectors
- [#3453] Future-proof ScopeFactory, Thanks to [@ondrejmirtes]
- [#3468] use string for classes in doc node factory
- [#3472] [phar] Un-pre-slash strings that should be clean
- [#3467] [phar] unprefix class strings
🛠 Fixed
- 0️⃣ [#3466] [Symfony 2.8] Fix ArgumentDefaultValueReplacerRector to work with bool values
- [#3469] fix orm prefix
- 🛠 [#3451] Fixed link to nodes overview in own rector code sample, Thanks to [@norberttech]
- [#3471] phar extra slashes fix
- ✅ [#3452] [testing] Rework AbstractRunnableRectorTestCase to be part of main test + fix ListEachRector behavior
June 04, 2020 -
v0.7.27 Changes
May 30, 2020➕ Added
- [#3399] [Nette] Add ContextGetByTypeToConstructorInjectionRector
- [#3434] [NetteKdyby] Add ReplaceMagicEventPropertySubscriberWithEventClassSubscriberRector
- [#3416] [NetteKdyby] Add ReplaceMagicPropertyEventWithEventClassRector
- [#3429] [Privatization] Add PrivatizeFinalClassMethodRector
- [#3411] [Privatization] Add property privatization rule
- [#3446] [Restoration] Add CompleteMissingDependencyInNewRector
- [#3396] [SOLID] add InjectMethodFactory for multi parent abstract rector
- [#3392] [SOLID] Add MultiParentingToAbstractDependencyRector
- [#3410] Add Drupal logo + link to Drupal Rector rules to, Thanks to [@shaal]
- 📜 [#3398] add ParsedClassConstFetchNodeCollector
- [#3418] add addComment() to Rector, fix comment preserving
- 👍 [#3350] Add [@mixin] support from PHPStan
- 📦 [#3422] Add Report and Extension package
- 🔧 [#3419] Configuration - add getOutputFormat()
- [#3421] adding fixture for validation with message, Thanks to [@bitgandtter]
- [#3417] compensate comments added on too nested node
- [#3423] Add AfterProcessEvent and AfterReportEvent
- 👍 [#3441] [Nette Kdyby] Add direct event class support for string-only based events
- 👍 [#3437] [Nette Kdyby] Add support for unique dim fetch event param name
- 👍 [#3439] [Nette Kdyby] Add under_score dim fetch support, prevent double event fill override
- [#3440] [Nette Kdyby] Add ReplaceEventManagerWithEventSubscriberRector
- [#3442] [Nette Kdyby] do not add getter for unused param in listener method
- ✅ [#3387] [compiler] Add ScoperTest
🔄 Changed
- 💅 [#3415] [CodingStyle] UnderscoreToCamelCaseVariableAndPropertyNameRector
- 🔨 [#3449] [Nette Kdyby] refactor to EventAndListenerTree
- 🔀 [#3447] [Nette Kdyby] Sync getters in listener method and event class
- [#3377] composer: bump to Symplify 8-dev
- [#3445] [Nette Kdyby] Skip control events"
- [#3393] Guard against ShouldNotHappenException, Thanks to [@UFTimmy]
- [#3395] Keep empty php code as is, Thanks to [@shaal]
- 🖨 [#3390] Use Newline from Standard Printer, Thanks to [@tavy315]
- [#3412] skip public properties
- [#3406] [Kdyby to Contributte] Migrate events
- [#3435] improve CustomEventFactory
- [#3428] Keep new line untouched
🛠 Fixed
- [#3379] fix missing doc for property type infering
- [#3443] [Nette Kdyby] Fix event undescore_variable name
- [#3403] Fix typo in StrStartsWithRector code sample, Thanks to [@guilliamxavier]
- [#3407] Fix SimplifyArraySearchRector w.r.t. "strictness", Thanks to [@guilliamxavier]
- [#3427] fix-readding comment
- [#3386] Fix RenameAnnotationRector for null phpdoc, Thanks to [@eclipxe13]
- [#3378] fix doc FQN importing
- [#3345] Fix invalid path, Thanks to [@ddziaduch]
✂ Removed
- 🚚 [#3400] remove interface suffix/prexit for PropertyNaming
v0.7.26 Changes
May 16, 2020➕ Added
- 💅 [#3351] [CodingStyle] Add SplitGroupedUseImportsRector
- [#3358] [Legacy] Add FunctionToStaticMethodRector
- [#3369] [PSR-4] Add NormalizeNamespaceByPSR4ComposerAutoloadFileSystemRector
- [#3362] [PHP 5.5] Fix StringClassNameToClassConstantRector for importing freshly added class names
- 📄 [#3355] [docs] add counter next to Rector group
🔄 Changed
- 🤡 [#3372] [MockistaToMockery] init
- [#3348] Decoule ClassRenamer, improve NormalizeNamespaceByPSR4ComposerAutoloadRector
- [#3361] Rule Rector\ClassMethod\AddArrayReturnDocTypeRector could not process files, Thanks to [@MetalArend]
- [#3359] Rule "Rector\ClassConst\VarConstantCommentRector" keeps throwing "could not process" errors., Thanks to [@MetalArend]
🗄 Deprecated
- 🗄 [#3367] [ElasticsearchDSL] Deprecate single custom rule, better handled by community
- 🗄 [#3366] [Oxid] Deprecate single custom rule, better handled by community
- 🗄 [#3365] [Shopware] Deprecate single custom rule, better handled by community
- 🗄 [#3363] [Silverstripe] deprecate, handled by community
- 🗄 [#3364] [Sylius] Deprecate single custom rule, better handled by community
- 🚚 [#3376] remove deprecated AutoReturnFactoryCompilerPass
🛠 Fixed
- [#3356] [CodeQuality] Fix SimplifyIfReturnBoolRector for else if
May 11, 2020 -
May 11, 2020 -
v0.7.23 Changes
May 11, 2020➕ Added
- [#3325] [SOLID] Add RepeatedLiteralToClassConstantRector
- [#3346] Add symplify/parameter-name-guard
- [#3328] [utils] add FindFirstInstanceOfReturnTypeExtension to PHPStan extension
🔄 Changed
- [#3320] Resolving todos [#5]
- [#3321] Resolving todos [#6]
- 🖨 [#3322] node printing functions consolidation
- [#3326] Make use of createMethodCall()
- [#3332] Define
constant at analysis time, Thanks to [@staabm] - 🚚 [#3340] move MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector to PSR4
- [#3343] Alter command name, Thanks to [@ddziaduch]
🗄 Deprecated
- 🗄 [#3324] Deprecate Zend 1 to Symfony 4 set
🛠 Fixed
- [#3344] Fix link and it's name, Thanks to [@ddziaduch]
- 🛠 [#3338] Various fixes
- [#3341] fix namespace
- 🛠 [#3327] various PHPStan fixes
v0.7.22 Changes
May 05, 2020➕ Added
- [#3293] [Naming] Add RenamePropertyToMatchTypeRector
- [#3295] [Naming] Fix duplicate name on already existing + add "naming" set to CI
- [#3305] [Order] Add OrderPropertyByComplexityRector
- [#3301] [Order] Add OrderPrivateMethodsByUseRector
- [#3304] [Order] Add OrderPublicInterfaceMethodRector
- 🐎 [#3289] [Performance] Add PreslashSimpleFunctionRector
- 0️⃣ [#3290] [SOLID] Add AddFalseDefaultToBoolPropertyRector
- [#3277] [PHP 8.0] Add ClassOnObjectRector
- [#3285] Add resolving for private properties of annotation object
- [#3283] simplify Param node factory + add generic phpdoc class-node factory
- [#3279] [PHP 8.0] Add get_debug_type()
- [#3278] [PHP 8.0] Add static type
- [#3308] add = for [@Route] options separator
- [#3254] [PHP 8.0] Add attributes v2
🔄 Changed
- [#3294] [Naming] Decouple ConflictingNameResolver and ExpectedNameResolver
- [#3273] use propety over property property
- 🔨 [#3270] TagValueNode refactoring
- [#3269] [#3268] - rector should scan linked directories, Thanks to [@atompulse]
- 🔨 [#3280] refactoring to generic items
- [#3281] moving to generic tag node
- 🔀 [#3284] merge more factories to MultiPhpDocNodeFactory
- [#3288] Improve $node name get on static or method call
- [#3241] Symfony Route annotation needs equal sign, not colon, Thanks to [@stephanvierkant]
- [#3310] workflow: generate changelog
- [#3319] Resolving todos [#4]
- 📚 [#3309] workflow: generate documentation
- 📦 [#3306] do not export compiler as part of package
- [#3313] Resolving todos
- [#3314] Resolving todos [#2]
- [#3300] various coding standard improvements
- ✅ [#3299] Tests for [@noRector], Thanks to [@tomasnorre]
- ⚡️ [#3298] Update Symplify deprecations
- ✅ [#3318] symplify NodeDumper to PHP code test
- [#3297] [Utils] PHPStan rule improvements
🛠 Fixed
- [#3317] Fix when PropertyProperty is a subnode of Property, Thanks to [@tomasnorre]
- [#3275] Fix constant referencing in annotations
- [#3311] Fix comment removing
✂ Removed
- 🚚 [#3302] [CakePHPtoSymfony] Remove unfinished set
- [#3287] [DX] drop confusing --only option to promote config
- 🚚 [#3296] remove scan-fatal-errors, move to migrify
🔄 Changed
- [#3266] publish dump-rectors command with 3rd party install
April 26, 2020 -
v0.7.20 Changes
April 26, 2020- [#3253] make Doctrine property inferer skip non doc
- [#3262] [cs] sort private methods by call order and property by complexity
- 📄 [#3265] [docs] make dump-rectors command open to public
🛠 Fixed
- [#3252] [CodeQuality] Fix CompactToVariablesRector for unknown names
- [#3260] [Nette] Fix preg_match_all() to Nette\Utils migrations
- [#3261] Fix autoloading for phpstan configs
- [#3248] Fix [@Route] name can be empty, Thanks to [@stephanvierkant]
✂ Removed
- 🚚 [#3264] remove RectorStandaloneRunner, too hacky