

Corma is a high-performance, convention-based ORM based on Doctrine DBAL.

Croute is great because:

Code Quality Rank: L4
Programming language: PHP
License: MIT License
Latest version: v3.5.0

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Corma is a high-performance, convention-based ORM based on Doctrine DBAL.

Corma is great because:

  • No complex and difficult to verify annotations or configuration files
  • Promotes consistent code organization
  • Loads and saves one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships with a method call
  • Can save multiple objects in a single query (using an upsert)
  • Makes it easy to cache and avoid database queries
  • Supports soft deletes
  • Makes it easy to handle transactions in a Unit of Work
  • Highly customizable

Corma doesn't:

  • Autoload or lazy load relationships by default
  • Do migrations or code generation

Works in MySql and PostgreSQL.

Install via Composer

Via the command line:

composer.phar require thewunder/corma ~3.0

Or add the following to the require section your composer.json:

"thewunder/corma": "~3.0"

For PHP version > 5.5 < 7.1 use Corma version ~2.0

Basic Usage

Create a DataObject

namespace YourNamespace\Dataobjects;

class YourDataObject {
    protected $id;

    //If the property name == column name on the table your_data_objects it will be saved
    protected $myColumn;

    //Getters and setters..

And a Repository (optional)

namespace YourNamespace\Dataobjects\Repository;

class YourDataObjectRepository extends ObjectRepository {
    //Override default behavior and add custom methods...

Create the orm and use it

$db = DriverManager::getConnection(...); //see Doctrine DBAL docs
$orm = ObjectMapper::withDefaults($db);

$object = $orm->create(YourDataObject::class);
//Call setters...
//Call more setters...

//Call more setters on $object...
$objects = [$object];
$newObject = $orm->create(YourDataObject::class);
//call setters on $newObject..
$objects[] = $newObject;


//find existing object by id
$existingObject = $orm->find(YourDataObject::class, 5);

//find existing objects with myColumn >= 42 AND otherColumn = 1
$existingObjects = $orm->findBy(YourDataObject::class, ['myColumn >='=>42, 'otherColumn'=>1], ['sortColumn'=>'ASC']);

//load relationships
$orm->loadOne($existingObjects, OtherObject::class, 'otherObjectId');
$orm->loadMany($existingObjects, AnotherObject::class, 'yourObjectId');
$orm->loadManyToMany($existingObjects, DifferentObject::class, 'link_table');

//delete those


See the wiki for full documentation.


Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Corma README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.