

PhpDependencyAnalysis is an extendable static code analysis for object-oriented PHP-Projects to provide dependency graphs for abstract datatypes (Classes, Interfaces and Traits) based on namespaces. Dependencies can be aggregated to build graphs for several levels, like Package-Level or Layer-Level. Each dependency can be verified to your defined architecture.

Read the Introduction-Chapter for further informations.

Code Quality Rank: L5
Programming language: PHP
License: MIT License
Tags: Code Analysis     Dependency     Analysis     Graph     Architecture     Phpda    
Latest version: v2.0.2

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PhpDependencyAnalysis is an extendable static code analysis for object-oriented PHP-Projects to generate dependency graphs from abstract datatypes (Classes, Interfaces and Traits) based on namespaces. Dependencies can be aggregated to build graphs for several levels, like Package-Level or Layer-Level. Each dependency can be verified to a defined architecture.

Read the Introduction-Chapter for further informations.


See more examples.


As a Docker Image (recommend way)

docker pull mamuz/phpda

As a Composer Dependency

NOTE: For graph creation GraphViz is required on your machine, which is an open source graph visualization software and available for the most platforms.

$ composer require --dev mamuz/php-dependency-analysis

As a Phar

Since version 2.0.0 not supported anymore.


  • High customizing level
  • Graph creation on customized levels respectively different scopes and layers
  • Supports Usage-Graph, Call-Graph and Inheritance-Graph
  • Dependencies can be aggregated such as to a package, a module or a layer
  • Detecting cycles and violations between layers in a tiered architecture
  • Verifiying dependency graph against a user-defined reference architecture
  • Collected namespaces of dependencies are modifiable to meet custom use cases
  • Printing graphs in several formats (HTML, SVG, DOT, JSON)
  • Extandable by adding user-defined plugins for collecting and displaying
  • Compatible to PHP7 Features, like Return Type Declarations and Anonymous Classes


Phpda can run out of the box by using a prepared configuration. As you can see configuration is defined by a YAML file.

To provide your own configuration create a yml file, e.g. located in ./phpda.yml:

mode: 'usage'
source: './src'
filePattern: '*.php'
ignore: 'tests'
formatter: 'PhpDA\Writer\Strategy\Svg'
target: './phpda.svg'
groupLength: 1
  - PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\TagCollector
  - PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\SuperglobalCollector
  PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\Required\DeclaredNamespaceCollector: {minDepth: 2, sliceLength: 2}
  PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\Required\MetaNamespaceCollector: {minDepth: 2, sliceLength: 2}
  PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\Required\UsedNamespaceCollector: {minDepth: 2, sliceLength: 2}
  PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\TagCollector: {minDepth: 2, sliceLength: 2}

Perform an analysis with that configuration:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app mamuz/phpda

Read the Configuration-Chapter to get knowledge about all available options.


  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Configuration
  4. Examples
  5. Plugins

Code of Conduct

As contributors and maintainers of this project you have to respect the Code of Coduct


See record of changes made to this project here


Before opening up a pull-request please read the Contributing-Guideline


Check the resources in Satic Analysis Section at Awesome PHP

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the PhpDependencyAnalysis README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.