

HTMLObject is a set of classes to create and manipulate HTML objects abstractions.

Code Quality Rank: L5
Monthly Downloads: 7,103
Programming language: PHP
License: MIT License
Tags: Miscellaneous    
Latest version: v1.4.4

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HTMLObject is a set of classes to create and manipulate HTML objects abstractions.

Static calls to the classes

echo Element::p('text')->class('foobar');
// <p class="foobar">text</p>
$list = List::ul(array('foo', 'bar'));

$link = Link::create('#', 'Someone');
$list->getChild(0)->addClass('active')->setValue('by '.$link);
// <ul>
//   <li class="active">foo</li>
//   <li>by <a href="#">Someone</a></li>
// </ul>
echo Link::create('#foo', 'link')->class('btn btn-success')->blank();
// <a href="#foo" class="btn btn-primary" target="_blank">link</a>

Extending the core classes

The core classes are meant to be extended and used to create complex patterns. All classes implement tree-crawling properties such as the following :

$element = Element::figure();

$element->nest('content') // <figure>content</figure>

$element->nest('p', 'content') // <figure><p>content</p></figure>

$image = Image::create('img.jpg')->alt('foo'); // <img src="img.jpg" alt="foo" />
$element->setChild($image, 'thumb');

$element->getChild('thumb') // HtmlObject\Image
  'caption' => Element::figcaption()->nest(array(
    'text' => Element::p('foobar'),

$element->getChild('caption.text')->getValue() // foobar
// OR
$element->captionText->getValue() // foobar
$element->captionText->getParent(0) // figure->caption
$element->captionText->getParent(1) // figure

$element->wrap('div') // <div><figure>...</figure></div>
$element->wrapValue('div') // <figure><div>...</div></figure>

You can see examples implementations in the [examples](examples) folder.

Properties injection

If your class use properties that are at meant to be added to the final array of attributes, you can inject them using the injectProperties method. Say you have a Link class that has an url property, you can overwrite the method like this, and the $this->url will get added in the href attribute :

protected function injectProperties()
  return array(
    'href' => $this->url,

Or if the property bears the property's name you can simply add it to the array of automatically injected properties :

protected $injectedProperties = array('href', 'title');

// Will be added as href="#foo"
protected $href = '#foo';

// Will be added as title="title"
protected $title = 'title';

Altering a precreated tree

HtmlObject allows to use the open and close to open tags but when your tag has children you sometimes want to open the tree at a particular point to inject data at runtime, you can do it like this :

$mediaObject = Element::div([
  'title' => Element::h2('John Doe'),
  'body'  => Element::div(),

echo $mediaObject->openOn('body').'My name is John Doe'.$mediaObject->close();
  <h2>John Doe</h2>
  <div>My name is John Doe</div>


You can change whether to follow xHMTL or HTML5 specification by doing the following :

Tag::$config['doctype'] = '{xhtml|html}';